We believe in creation of ‘DIGNIFIED LIVES‘ produced by the creative miracle of sincerity and hard work and aims to reach at that level by lightening ourselves with Gyan. To produce a well – rounded, self – confident, positive young person with an inquiring and fearless mind. To provide Student – friendly, stress –free and value based learning environment.
The school crest illustrates The Shatkona which symbolises the God of victory: The Kartikeyan, the son of lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. An Open book signifies the pursuit for academic excellence. The Indian Map portrays an effort to instill love for the motherland. The lightened Deepak depicts the beginning of life and the selfless transmission of light (education) for the growth of child to maturity.
Founder members of Shiv Shakti Education Society way back in 1989 had a vision to establish a great co-ed institution with its aim, objective and goal to inculcate the the Dharmic Principles through holistic education and synergises the growth of mind, body and spirit which leads to empowering the society. They aimed to develop within young learners such potential which keep them attached to the elementary roots of Indian culture and ethos while developing in them the global outlook on life so that they understand what it means to be human and to build a literate society. They knew that it is only education which helps one to raise the standards of life and to serve the nation. With this vision to serve the mankind Shiv Shakti Education Society established this esteemed institution and to make every child a gift of god and pride of human race by transforming its young learners into more pragmatic, morally sound, professionally mature and socially sensible generation of tomorrow.