Procedure for admission:-
It is advised to visit the School Campus before seeking admission or registering a child for admission, and familiarize yourself in regard to all the rules, facets, aspects and quality of the school.
The admission procedure starts with Registration of the child for admission. Please note that Registration does not guarantee admission.
Registration :
Registration is normally open throughout the year. Registration entails filling in the requisite “Admission Form”, remitting the registration fees and submitting the requisite documents as listed hereunder, to be deposited for registration through post/email or by hand in the School Office. (Registration Fee is mentioned in the “Fee Schedule” Section).
Please note that registration does NOT guarantee admission.
After registration the students have to appear for an Orientation Programme held at the campus, on a stipulated date, as per the school calendar. (Generally, the Orientation is held during the first weekend of February).
The list of successful candidates is declared within a week after the Orientation in the month of February and the admission needs to be accepted/ declined within a week from this declaration.
Admissions are granted with due preference to brothers/sisters of present Shiv Shaktians, brothers/sisters/children of Old Shiv Shaktians, children of serving defence personnel, war widows, Govt Employees and brilliant scholarship/free-ship students from the poorer section of society. Details of the procedure is explained hereafter.
Age Criteria:
Generally, admission will be offered in Class PP1 for a child aged ……… on …………… of the year of admission. The subsequent classes can be so calculated. Generally, the accepted formula is,age of child minus 5 or 6 = Class to be admitted.
The standard rule being that the admission will be granted provisionally for the first year and further continuance will depend on the child’s performance, academic and otherwise, during the first year of his/her stay in the school.
Hence all new admissions have to join the school after successful completion of their academic session in the previous school and obtaining proper School Leaving Certificates.
Plus-2 Admission :
- Rights of admission to the Senior Secondary Stage (Plus 1 & 2) are reserved. Children passing out of the secondary stage from Shiv Shakti School will not have rights for direct admission to the Senior Secondary Stage and will need to reapply for admission for the senior secondary stage. No re-admission fee will be charged if the request for admission reaches the school Office by the appointed date announced by the school authorities.
- Due to very limited seats, preference for admission will be given to students passing out from the 10th class from Shiv Shakti School itself.
- Children shall be considered for admissions and be offered provisional admission, on the basis of the result card of the 9th Class Final Exams and the Pre-Board Result of 10th Class. The cut off percentage for admission will be announced each year as per school rules. Appropriate weightage shall be given to students excelling in sports and at the discretion of the school management.
- In the best interest of the child no reasons for rejection need be given and the decision of the School Management and/or the Head of School will be final and binding.
- All admissions will be provisional till such time the Secondary School Board results are not declared. The provisional admission shall be confirmed after the senior secondary board result.
- The provisional admission will be withdrawn in such cases where the minimum percentage is not obtained or if a child gets a Compartment or a Fail result in the Secondary School Board results.
- New Admissions for Class XI shall follow the procedure of Registration, Admission test and interview.